General information about the minerals
in this stone-encyclopedia

All stones included in this encyclopedia can be bought in our shop, if they are not available in the online shop – whether they are in crystalline, tumbled or rubbed (e.g. pendants, necklaces etc.) form.

Concerning the origin only the main mining regions are listed in our encyclopedia.

The colour specifications vary with the origin of the minerals.

Degrees of hardness

The hardness of minerals relays on the hardness test from Friedrich Mohs (1773-1839), which is used primarily in the mineralogy. Mohs, a geologist, scratched different minerals at each other and sorted them according to their hardness. By assigning exemplary numerical values to wide-spread and thus easily accessible minerals, an ordinal scale resulted, named the Mohs scale, which is often used in mineralogy and geology.

Stones which are not suitable for water treatment because of their chemical composition:

Azurite, Chrysocolla, Dioptase, Dysthen, Galena, Hematite, Copper, Lepidolite, Magnetite, Malachite, Marcasite, Pyrite, Selenite (dissolves), Tiger Iron, Turquoise, Cinnabar

General information about the stones and minerals listed here.

We want to inform you, that the opportunities of healing with healing stones, minerals, crystals and gemstones cannot replace medical advice or help. Everything written on this website and all information on this homepage is not an instruction for therapy or diagnosis in a medical sense. We rely on information from the internet or several specialist publications, therefore a successful healing is not guaranteed.

Mineral hardness (Mohs)

Stone: Talcum
Type of testing: can be scraped with the fingernail

Information on hardness of minerals are always using the Mohs scale, unless nothing else is specified.