Stones A-C



Origin: Mexico, Brazil, India
Hardness: 6
Colour: all colours, colourful, often patterned

Property and effect:
for eyes, hollow organs (stomach, intestines ...), gastritis, supports realism, against traumatic thinking, for middle ear disease, hearing loss, cleans the lymphatic system and the pancreas.
January 20, 2015/by admin

Amber (Succinite)

Amber (Succinite)

Origin: Lithuania, Lebanon, East Coast
Hardness: 2,5
Colour: yellow, green, dark brown

Proberty and effect:
Against rheumatism, warts, lichen, teeth, absorbs pain and migraine, veins (varicose veins), hay fever, malaria, bleeding nose, increases patience and helps for decision making, against back pain.
January 20, 2015/by admin



Origin: Brazil, UruguayHardness: 7Colour: purple
Property and effect:Useful during alcohol abuse, prostate problems, a meditation stone, rest, neutralizes water, for headaches, concentration, bruises, against facial hair (hirsutism), if you feel homesick, for diarrhea and intestinal disorders, Amethyst is used for insomnia and provides a restful sleep.
January 20, 2015/by admin



Origin: Bolivia (Santa Cruz)Hardness: 7Colour: purple/light-brown
Property and effect:A good blood cleaner, enriches to the body with oxygen, helpful for chronic fatigue and tension headaches, promotes the ability to get along with others and to accept others, supports a optimistic consciousness.
January 20, 2015/by admin

Ammonite (Amazon Stone, Amazonite)

Ammonite (Amazon Stone, Amazonite)

Origin: France, USA, MoroccoHardness: 2Colour: brown, gray
Property and effect:Ocular palsies, facial nerves, cramps, strengthens memory, named after the warlike Amazons and not after the river Amazon, as often assumed.
January 20, 2015/by admin

Andes Opal

Andes Opal

Origin: PeruHardness: 6-7Colour: bluish, grayish, pink
Property and effect:Treatment of Parkinson, strengthens the ear, facilitates the birth, regulates the insulin production, strengthens the bronchial system, supports memory, helps against depressive thoughts.
January 20, 2015/by admin

Andes Opal

Andes Opal

Origin: PeruHardness: 6-7Colour: bluish, grayish, pink
Property and effect:Treatment of Parkinson, strengthens the ear, facilitates the birth, regulates the insulin production, strengthens the bronchial system, supports memory, helps against depressive thoughts.
January 20, 2015/by admin

Anhydrite (Angelite)

Anhydrite (Angelite)

Origin: Egypt, Poland, MexicoHardness: 3-3,5Colour: blue
Property and effect:Removes accumulated or surplus fluids and reduces swellings, can act diuretic, if Anhydrite is applied on the feet, it can solve blockings in the meridians and energy channels, reduces pain from sunburn. Acts stabilizing as a rhombic sulphate and can therefore be used during schizophrenic episodes.
January 20, 2015/by admin

Apache Tear

Apache Tear

Origin: USA (Arizona)Hardness: 7Colour: black
Property and effect:Has calming effect on the stomach, stops bleeding, against daytime fatigue, hearing, smell, taste, corns, warts, helps to identify future threats.
January 20, 2015/by admin



Origin: Brazil, CanadaHardness: 5Colour: blue
Property and effect:Helps during rickets, arthritis, joint problems, broken bones, lowers blood pressure, helps during diarrhea, skin cancer and sunburn, irritability and emotional exhaustion can be overcame, motivational effect on a healthy diet, reduces joint's inflammation after operations.
January 20, 2015/by admin

Apophylithe (Alexandrite)

Apophylithe (Alexandrite)

Origin: India, Australia, RussiaHardness: 5Colour: white, lime
Property and effect:Helpful for coping with stress, releases suppressed feelings, respiratory complaints, good for asthma, regenerates the eyes when you place a stone on each eye, supposed to help for Reiki treatments.
January 20, 2015/by admin

Apricot Agate

Apricot Agate

Origin: India, BotswanaHardness: 6Colour: orange/tan
Property and effect:Stone of protection for pregnant women, against hereditary diseases, facial paralysis, calcification of the brain, promotes understanding of other people and their situations.
January 20, 2015/by admin



Origin: Zimbabwe, Afghanistan, BrazilHardness: 5Colour: green/blue
Property and effect:Strengthens vision, helps against allergies, skin problems, teeth problems, improves endurance, against depression, against loss of memory, hay fever, empowerment, helps people to be more tolerant.
January 20, 2015/by admin



Origin: SpainHardness: 4Colour: brown, blue
Proberty and effect:Against diseases of the bone structure, good against chills, protects against daytime sleepiness, patience, gout, influenza, herniated disc, neck pain, spasms, helps to have internal peace.
January 20, 2015/by admin



Origin: Greenland, USAHardness: 5Colour: dark blue/brown
Proberty and effect:Is not suitable for pregnant women because it regulates the monthly bleeding, to slow digestion, colon, vivid dreams, for more openness, makes sociable.
January 20, 2015/by admin

Aventurine (Tibet Stone)

Aventurine (Tibet Stone)

Origin: India, BrazilHardness: 7Colour: green, orange
Proberty and effect:Prevents heart attacks, pimples, hair loss, supports well-being, calm, against wrinkles, lack of mental power, allergies, skin diseases, eczema, rashes and warts.
January 20, 2015/by admin



Origin: Morocco, Australia, USAHardness: 4Colour: sky-blue
Proberty and effect:Helpful for joint problems, focuses on the spine, supports development in the womb, bone growth, Azurite helps to faster the healing process after surgeries.
January 20, 2015/by admin



Origin: England, FranceHardness: 3Colour: clear - yellow
Proberty and effect:Helps shy people, improves memory, against blushing, abscesses, hysteria, is used in fireworks in powdered form because it burns green.
January 20, 2015/by admin



Origin: China, Africa (Zambia)Hardness: 8Colour: gold/yellow
Proberty and effect:Artery occlusion, detoxicates, blisters, hemorrhoids, diarrhea, nails, promotes self-confidence, awakens love again when partnership has reached a kind of stagnation, relieves irritability and nervousness.
January 20, 2015/by admin

Blue Calcite

Blue Calcite

Origin: USA, ChinaHardness: 3Colour: blue/white
Proberty and effect:Bone, heart rhythm disorders, stone for fractures, hiccups or singultus, supports memory, promotes an optimal healing process after fractures.
January 20, 2015/by admin

Blue Flow

Blue Flow

Origin: ItalyHardness: 7Colour: blue
Proberty and effect:Was used for altars during the period of Baroque, against tonsillitis, protection of abortions, sweating, angina, obesity.
January 20, 2015/by admin

Blue Quartz

Blue Quartz

Origin: BrazilHardness: 6,8-7Colour: blue
Proberty and effect:Has a positive influence on the speech organs, cures sore throat, good for the musculoskeletal system, muscle wasting, takes fear of failure away.
January 20, 2015/by admin



Origin: BrazilHardness: 5,5Colour: yellow, green
Proberty and effect:Helps during inflammation of the meninges, menstrual problems, multiple sclerosis, spinal cord, insomnia, protects against severe exacerbations.
January 20, 2015/by admin

Brecciated Jasper

Brecciated Jasper

Origin: China, South AfricaColour: red, brown
Proberty and effect:For bleedings, splitted hair, impaired growth of the nails, tinnitus, worn around the neck protective against a hypogonadism of the thyroid.
January 20, 2015/by admin



Origin: BrazilHardness: 5,5Colour: brown/shimmering
Proberty and effect:Against burn-out, difficulty in breathing, allergies, lichens, shingles, reduces psychological disorders, increases endurance and perseverance, gives hope even if circumstances are bad, Bronzite helps to relax and recover.
January 20, 2015/by admin

Carnelian (Agate Arcades)

Carnelian (Agate Arcades)

Origin: Uruguay, BotswanaHardness: 7Colour: orange
Proberty and effect:Use it for bloody wounds, cold feet, anticonvulsant, impotence, for beauty and success, parodontitis (inflammation of the periodontium), high blood glucose levels, improves mood, is a talisman for painting artists.
January 20, 2015/by admin

Cat´s Eye

Cat´s Eye

Origin: South AfricaHardness: 7Colour: gray
Proberty and effect:For the respiratory tract, dizziness, lung, nervous disorders, tuberculosis, tension, strengthens bones and joints.
January 21, 2015/by admin



Origin: USA (Oregon), IndiaHardness: 3-4Colour: sky-blue
Proberty and effect:Helpful for problems with the kidneys, bladder and ears (tinnitus), promotes logical thinking, solves blocked learning.
January 20, 2015/by admin



Origin: MoroccoHardness: 5Colour: blue, gray
Proberty and effect:Helps against feelings of powerlessness, relieves tension and hardening of bones, relieves headaches, supports digestion, useful during asthma attacks.
January 20, 2015/by admin



Origin: Austria, AfricaHardness: 7Colour: purple with white stripes
Proberty and effect:Gives power during constant fatigue, helpful for burns, releases sorrow, gives calm, stimulates visions, strengthens the lungs and the colon.
January 20, 2015/by admin



Origin: Namibia, MexicoHardness: 7Colour: blue/white
Proberty and effect:Against hyperactivity, reduces temperament, for a pleasant voice, helps against stage fright, stuttering, neck and throat diseases, balances mood swings, cleans open wounds with a great power.
January 20, 2015/by admin



Origin: SiberiaHardness: 6Colour: purple
Proberty and effect:Promotes the acid-base balance, helpful for cramps, for autism and bipolar disorders, against sleeping problems, promotes children's sleep.
January 20, 2015/by admin



Origin: China, ChileHardness: 5Colour: brown/black
Proberty and effect:Styptic, deacidifying, so it is helpful for rheumatism and gout, stimulates the milk flow, empowerment for fatigue, bone loss, is used for paralysis and nerve weakness, promotes finding a mission in life and to realize it.
January 20, 2015/by admin

Chromium Diopside

Chromium Diopside

Origin: Russia, Austria (Zillertal)Hardness: 7,7Colour: emerald
Proberty and effect:Relieves local inflammations, neuropathy, gives spiritual strength, energy is evenly distributed throughout the organism, supports the acid / base balance.
January 20, 2015/by admin



Origin: Madagascar, Ghana, SwedenHardness: 8,5Colour: green-yellow to brownish
Proberty and effect:Strengthens honesty, fosters the desire to be healthy, for tightness and inflammation in the chest area, a very mild healing stone, is used to treat stomach and intestinal inflammations as well as hemorrhoids.
January 20, 2015/by admin

Chrysocolla (Atlas Ale)

Chrysocolla (Atlas Ale)

Origin: Namibia, USAHardness: 4Colour: blue/green
Proberty and effect:Enriches blood and cells with oxygen, provides relief for burns, regulates insulin metabolism, tonsillitis, morning vomiting, is used during infections due to its cooling effect ends - especially for infection of the throat and tonsillitis.
January 20, 2015/by admin



Origin: BrazilHardness: 7Colour: lime
Proberty and effect:Against diseases of the abdomen, for heavy smokers, is considered as stone of eternal youth, against fungal infections, after strokes, against nightmares and goiters, regulates the hormones.
January 20, 2015/by admin



Origin: Italy, Slovenia, Peru
Hardness: 2-3
Colour: red

Proberty and effect:
Help during angina, blood diseases, hearing problems, boosts self-confidence, reduces suicidal thoughts, don't put it in your mouth (contains mercury - toxic).
January 21, 2015/by admin

Citrine (Coyotes Stone)

Citrine (Coyotes Stone)

Origin: MadagascarHardness: 7Colour: yellow
Proberty and effect:Descaling, diabetes, has a warming effect, appendicitis, helps to get out of the bed in the morning, reduces exam anxiety.
January 20, 2015/by admin

Citroncalcite (Lemon Calcite)

Citroncalcite (Lemon Calcite)

Origin: MexicoHardness: 3Colour: yellow, brown
Proberty and effect:Helps against flatulence, metabolic problems, hair and bone problems.
January 20, 2015/by admin

Coloured Copper (Bornite)

Coloured Copper (Bornite)

Origin: MexicoHardness: 5,5Colour: colorful
Proberty and effect:For uterine infections, ectopic pregnancy or tubal pregnancy, varicose veins, obesity, brain hemorrhage.
January 20, 2015/by admin



Origin: Canada, EuropeHardness: 3Colour: bronze
Proberty and effect:Against jaundice, relaxes muscles, nerves, insomnia, strengthens self-confidence.
January 21, 2015/by admin



Origin: in all warm seasHardness: 3-4Colour: red, black
Proberty and effect:Promotes bone formation especially for children, to treat heart problems, circulation problems, skin, teeth, hair, nails, is protects against rubella and infections.
January 21, 2015/by admin