Stones S-T



Origin: China, ThailandHardness: 9Colour: blue
Proberty and effect:Stone of wisdom, against learning difficulties in older adulthood, brings an unshakable inner peace, brings prosperity, against intestinal and brain disorders, against stuttering, body aches, this stone was worn previously by politicians because it was supposed to prevent disasters.
January 21, 2015/by admin



Origin: BotswanaHardness: 7Colour: dark orange
Proberty and effect:Against scarlet fever, shingles, meningitis, when the gland function is weakened, improves blood low in the heart, improves your hearing.
January 21, 2015/by admin

Sardonyx (Agate)

Sardonyx (Agate)

Origin: IndiaHardness: 7Colour: white/brown/black
Proberty and effect:Improves constipation, strengthens the sense organs, against forgetfulness, to treat ear pain and tinnitus, prevents disease relapses.
January 21, 2015/by admin

Selenite (Mary’s Glass)

Selenite (Mary’s Glass)

Origin: Sizilia, MexicoHardness: 2Colour: white/shimmering
Proberty and effect:Thrombosis and phlebitis, relieves nausea during pregnancy, reassuring, against pneumonia, Parkinson's disease, arthritis, multiple sclerosis, neutralizes mercury poisoning as a result of amalgam fillings in your teeth.
January 21, 2015/by admin



Origin: USA (Utah)Hardness: 3Colour: yellow, brown
Proberty and effect:Protects against calcification, acidosis, stimulates brain activity, promotes memory.
January 21, 2015/by admin



Origin: Kazakhstan, South Tyrol, SwitzerlandHardness: 2,5Colour: green/by wearing black
Proberty and effect:Helps best for mental problems, activates the spinal cord and can relieve muscle tension up high in the neck, supports diets.
January 21, 2015/by admin

Serpentine (Antigorite)

Serpentine (Antigorite)

Origin: Norway, ChinaHardness: 3-4Colour: green, brown
Proberty and effect:Against acidosis and muscle cramps, helps against diabetes, against stress, good for choleric persons, reinforces desire for peace, take it with you when travelling in tropical areas (against malaria and diarrhoeal diseases).
January 21, 2015/by admin

Shiva Lingam (Sandstone)

Shiva Lingam (Sandstone)

Origin: India (from the Ganges)Hardness: 5Colour: red-gray
Proberty and effect:The elongated oval shape symbolizes male energy, the red one symbolizes female energy, useful for infertility, strengthens relationships, promotes the development of the mind.
January 21, 2015/by admin



Origin: Greece, Italy, MexicoHardness: 4-4,5Colour: lavender-green
Proberty and effect:Has a positive effect on alcoholism, makes blood vessels and muscles elastic, facilitates delivery, Smithsonite stands for peace, grace, kindness and positive results, ideal for people who had a difficult childhood and feel unloved and unwanted.
January 21, 2015/by admin

Smoky Quartz

Smoky Quartz

Origin: BrazilHardness: 7Colour: shiny gray
Proberty and effect:Against connective tissue, lowers weight, to overcome grief, helpful for addictions of all kinds, for pain and colic, useful for radiation damages (chemotherapy).
January 21, 2015/by admin

Snakes Agate

Snakes Agate

Origin: PeruHardness: 6Colour: gray
Proberty and effect:Cleans open wounds, supports maternal instinct, stimulates milk flow.
January 21, 2015/by admin

Snow Quartz (Milk Quarzt or White Quartz)

Snow Quartz (Milk Quarzt or White Quartz)

Origin: BrazilHardness: 8Colour: white/milky
Proberty and effect:Supports the respiratory centre, against high cholesterol, general weakness, electromagnetic pollution, is actually a Rock Crystal that contains foreign material.
January 21, 2015/by admin

Snowflake Obsidian

Snowflake Obsidian

Origin: USAHardness: 5,5Colour: black/gray dotted
Proberty and effect:Learning, stone for athletes, spine, bones, ligaments, muscles, inner ear, against herpes, cold hands - feet, in the Stone Age it was used to produce arrowheads and tools.
January 21, 2015/by admin

Sodalite (Almonit)

Sodalite (Almonit)

Origin: Namibia, North AmericaHardness: 5,4Colour: blue/white
Proberty and effect:Stone of travellers, tonic, strengthens the larynx, for hoarseness, regulatory effect on glands, is an ideal foundation for teamwork and strengthes against criticism, helpful for neck larynx and vocal cords, especially good for loss of voice.
January 21, 2015/by admin

Sphalerite (Spahlerit)

Sphalerite (Spahlerit)

Origin: Europe
Hardness: 3,5
Colour: metallic

Proberty and effect:
Erotic effect, solves sexual tension, strengthens the memory, for restlessness in the legs, gives restful sleep.
January 21, 2015/by admin



Origin: USA, BirmaHardness: 8Colour: red, green, black, blue, white
Proberty and effect:Revives numb limbs, muscular ligament, neuralgia, cleanses vessels, intestines and skin.
January 21, 2015/by admin

Star Agate (Stone Amulet)

Star Agate (Stone Amulet)

Origin: Australia (Donnerei)Hardness: 7Colour: yellow/black
Proberty and effect:Good for the brain, mental stabilization, strengthens concentration, supports people suffering from Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes, for problems in falling asleep, against dehydration of the skin, against lack of emotional warmth.
January 21, 2015/by admin

Staurolite (Cross Stone)

Staurolite (Cross Stone)

Origin: France, Urals, ScotlandHardness: 7,5Colour: brown
Proberty and effect:For headaches, relieves drowsiness, helps to be realistic, is used during schizophrenia, delusions, delusions of grandeur and other forms of mental illness.
January 21, 2015/by admin

Steatite (Soapstone)

Steatite (Soapstone)

Origin: Fichtl Mountains, Saxony, ScandinaviaHardness: 1Origin: yellow, brown
Proberty and effect:Against underarm wetness, sweaty feet, sweaty palms, for sun allergy, itching, very soft, can be used for figurines and tableware.
January 21, 2015/by admin



Origin: Tasmania, AustraliaHardness: 1,5Colour: blackberry/black
Proberty and effect:Against teeth grinding, nerve pain, stimulates awareness and positive behaviour in children, improves the elasticity of the skin during pregnancy.
January 21, 2015/by admin

Sugilite (Luvulith)

Sugilite (Luvulith)

Origin: Japan, South AmericaHardness: 5-6Colour: purple/black
Proberty and effect:Helps to fight addictions, relieves strong pain, acts against neurosis, strengthens the will to survive, against dyslexia and motor disorders, contains manganese and is therefore very good for headaches.
January 21, 2015/by admin



Origin: Sibira, Spain, SicilyHardness: 2Colour: yellow
Proberty and effect:For capricious sense, promotes detoxification, recommended for fever and infections, powdered Sulphur can be used for fumigating insects (wear a mask when doing so), as a bath additive sulphur reduces painful swellings.
January 21, 2015/by admin

Sun Stone (Heliolith)

Sun Stone (Heliolith)

Origin: Norway, IndiaHardness: 6,5Colour: yellow/orange
Proberty and effect:Against inflammation of the bowel wall, diarrhoea, bloating, eczema, peace of mind, clear skin, strengthens muscles, stimulating the self healing, good for chronic sore throats and stomach ulcers.
January 21, 2015/by admin

Tanzanite (Zoisite)

Tanzanite (Zoisite)

Origin: TansaniaHardness: 7Colour: blue
Proberty and effect:Against tonsillitis, hoarseness, ear pain, head cancer, depression, sadness, comforts during despair, is often confused with the Sapphire.
January 21, 2015/by admin



Origin: Far East, Philippines, PolynesiaHardness: 5,5 - 6Colour: black, dark brown
Proberty and effect:Helps to relieve from fears about the future, accelerates healing, helps during exposure to radiation and infectious diseases, acts fever lowering, improves communication; Tektite is a meteorite, and therefore only available in specialist shops.
January 21, 2015/by admin

Tiger Eye (Quartz of Schiller)

Tiger Eye (Quartz of Schiller)

Herkunft: South Africa
Hardness: 7
Farbe: brown/ shiny

Proberty and effect:
Against headaches, epilepsy, paranoia, supports willingness to learn among children, helps to collect ideas, has a warming effect on the body, it supports the ability to see during the night.
January 21, 2015/by admin

Tiger Iron

Tiger Iron

Origin: AustraliaHardness: 7Colour: yellow/brown/silver
Proberty and effect:Increases memory capacity, gives energy, improves concentration, against gallstones, helpful for iron deficiency.
January 21, 2015/by admin

Tourmaline Black (Schorl)

Tourmaline Black (Schorl)

Origin: PakistanHardness:7,5Colour: black
Proberty and effect:Protects against radiation (mobile phone), against back and ear pain, relieves stress, most powerful protection stone, the stone has its own energy so cleaning is not necessary.
January 21, 2015/by admin

Tourmaline blue (Indicolite)

Tourmaline blue (Indicolite)

Origin: USA, West Asutralia, Sri LankaHardness: 7–7,5Colour: light blue to blue-green
Proberty and effect:It supports the lungs and the immune system as well as the brain, is used for chronic neck pain, against insomnia and night sweats, for nasal sinus infections and bacterial infections, helps burns to heal better.
January 21, 2015/by admin

Tourmaline Brown (Dravite)

Tourmaline Brown (Dravite)

Origin: Brazil, USAHardness: 7Colour: brown
Proberty and effect:Cleaning stone, to relieve meningitis, strengthens the trachea, promotes excretion of urine, helpful for burns.
January 21, 2015/by admin

Tourmaline Green (Verdelite)

Tourmaline Green (Verdelite)

Origin: Afganistan, BrazilHardness: 7-7,9Colour: green
Proberty and effect:For hyperactive children, helpful for constipation, alleviates claustrophobia, promotes weight loss, promotes the interest for other people and the environment.
January 21, 2015/by admin

Tourmaline Red (Rubelith)

Tourmaline Red (Rubelith)

Origin: USAHardness: 7Colour: pink/red
Proberty and effect:Enhances the understanding of love, for diseases of the lungs and skin, is used for infertility, arteriosclerosis.
January 21, 2015/by admin

Tree Agate

Tree Agate

Origin: Brazil, IndiaHardness: 7Colour: green/white
Proberty and effect:Helps against frequent infections, supports metabolic processes, inner peace, bladder, blood vessel constriction, helps understanding the actions and thoughts of children.
January 20, 2015/by admin



Origin: Norway, AustraliaHardness: 6,2Colour: red
Proberty and effect:Relieves stress in school, strengthens the abdomen and genitals, against diseases of the ovaries, prevents fainting when you feel weak, for lack of white blood cells, for low blood pressure, people who suffer from lack of love feel attracted to Tulith.
January 21, 2015/by admin

Turquoise (Sinai Stone)

Turquoise (Sinai Stone)

Origin: Iran, Afghanistan, Peru, USAHardness: 6Colour: turquoise
Proberty and effect:Promotes the uptake of nutrients against cataracts, gout, rheumatism, stomach problems, antispasmodic, against bleeding gums, food craving, excessive acidity, protective stone for horsemen and the aircrew.
January 21, 2015/by admin