Stones D-K

Dalmatian Stone

Dalmatian Stone

Origin: MexicoHardness: 7Colour: tan/dotted black
Proberty and effect:For intestinal muscles, small intestine, enhances fluency of reactions, has stimulating effect on the nervous system, promotes the enrichment of ideas.
January 20, 2015/by admin

Dendrites Agate

Dendrites Agate

Origin: PeruHardness: 6Colour: white/black
Proberty and effect:Stimulates the digestion, against heartburn, regulates excretory organs, against tissue damage, against nightmares, mucous membranes, barley grain, very good for nerve pain.
January 20, 2015/by admin



Origin: South AfricaHardness: 10Colour: transparent to brown
Proberty and effect:Promotes healing of nerves, sensory organs, the coronary arteries, strengthens the immune system, promotes learning, Diamond helps for stroke and other brain diseases, therefore it is empowered in a water treatment.
January 20, 2015/by admin



Origin: CongoHardness: 5Colour: green
Proberty and effect:Helps against feelings of stress, prevents heart attacks and migraine, promotes a positive approach to life and a forward-looking philosophy, strong healing effect on the heart, against blood poisonings, blindness, cataract and glaucoma, helps to overcome shock.
January 20, 2015/by admin



Origin: Namibia, MadagascarHardness: 7Colour: blue/brown
Proberty and effect:Can drain fluid retentions and oedema, relieves breathing difficulties, is an expectorant, promotes fat digestion, against headaches and vomiting, Dumortiriet is called the "take it easy" stone because it can make you taking your life easier.
January 20, 2015/by admin

Dysthen Cyan

Dysthen Cyan

Origin: Central Europe (Alps), IndiaHardness: 6Colour: light blue/gray
Proberty and effect:Mobility in the fingers, fine motor skills, helps to learn foreign languages, Down`s syndrome, goiter, speech impairment, relieves hoarseness and raucousness, against "victimization", strengthens during periods of stress.
January 20, 2015/by admin

Eldarite (Stromatolite)

Eldarite (Stromatolite)

Origin: AfricaHardness: 8Colour: black/green
Proberty and effect:Dissolves worries, for more resistance against infections and flu, increases mental state, is a fossil stone that developed from blue-green algae.
January 20, 2015/by admin



Origin: Mozambique, Tanzania, Habachtal TyrolHardness: 8Colour: green
Proberty and effect:strengthens nasal cavities and frontal sinuses, relieving rheumatism and diabetes, helps to unconditional love, against snoring, antibacterial, promotes the understanding of the nature
January 21, 2015/by admin

Eye Agate

Eye Agate

Origin: Brazil, MexicoHardness: 6Colour: black/brown
Proberty and effect:Reduces fever, against inflammation, prevents retinal detachment, strengthens memory, calms after trouble, for glaucoma, gives perspective and stability.
January 20, 2015/by admin

Fire Agate

Fire Agate

Origin: USAHardness: 7Colour: red/yellow-black
Proberty and effect:Promotes seeing in the night, against hot flashes, nodule formation, regenerates your energy against burn-out, promotes development of young children, the psychological effects of Fire Agate are an decrease in anxiety and a intense feeling of securety.
January 20, 2015/by admin

Fire Opal

Fire Opal

Origin: Mexico, Turkey, New ZealandHardness: 7Colour: yellow/orange
Proberty and effect:Prevents burn-out, enhances personal power, degreases internal grief, balances sex drive.
January 20, 2015/by admin

Flint (Flintstone)

Flint (Flintstone)

Origin: U.S. East Coast, South Coast EnglandHardness: 7Colour: gray/brown
Proberty and effect:Anticonvulsant, detoxification, mucous membranes, regulates digestion, against self-pity, fosters communication, increase self-confidence, atopic dermatitis, reduces unwanted calluses and ganglia.
January 20, 2015/by admin

Fluorite (Pharmacist’s Spar)

Fluorite (Pharmacist’s Spar)

Origin: USA, ChinaHardness: 4Colour: green/purple
Proberty and effect:For learning difficulties, strengthens bones and skeleton, spine, against arthritis and osteoporosis, increases concentration and elaboration of information of the brain, against colds and sinusitis.
January 20, 2015/by admin



Origin: MoroccoHardness: 2Colour: brown,gray
Proberty and effect:for growth and spine, for iron deficiency, raises consciousness , provides insight into our origins, ensures pleasant dreams
January 20, 2015/by admin

Fuchsite (Mica)

Fuchsite (Mica)

origin: BrazilHardness: 2-3Colour: green/glittering
Proberty and effect:Helps against psoriasis, allergies, keeps mentally and physically fit, combats stress, helps during an inferiority complex, bone marrow diseases, relieves sudden pain.
January 20, 2015/by admin



Origin: RussiaHardness: 3Colour: gray/shiny
Proberty and effect:Reduces inflammations and rashes, good for the arteries, increases the intake of selenium and zinc, good for the hair.
January 20, 2015/by admin



Origin: China, Austria(Habachtal)Hardness: 7-8Colour: black/red
Proberty and effect:Stabilizes circulation, stimulates metabolism, increases sexual power, against postural deformities, strengthens the character, encourages perseverance, enables the survival instinct, Garnet activates other crystals and supports their effect.
January 20, 2015/by admin

Gold Flow

Gold Flow

Origin: ItalyHardness: 7Colour: red/brown
Proberty and effect:Helpful against insomnia, promotes skills, for courage, for angina, good for the connective tissue.
January 20, 2015/by admin

Gracy Lace (Agate)

Gracy Lace (Agate)

Origin: AustraliaHardness: 6Colour: yellow with colorful structure
Proberty and effect:Digestive, against tissue inflammation - helpful for itching and insect bites, makes cheerful and enterprising, promotes visual thinking.
January 20, 2015/by admin

Green Calcite

Green Calcite

Origin: USAHardness: 3Colour: green
Proberty and effect:Against cramps in abdomen, kidney problems, constipation, helps children to consist discussions.
January 20, 2015/by admin

Green Flow

Green Flow

Origin: ItalyHardness: 7Colour: green/black
Proberty and effect:For more self-confidence, against insomnia, calms when your are nervous, promotes detoxification of bile and liver.
January 20, 2015/by admin

Hawkeye (Pseudokrokydolite)

Hawkeye (Pseudokrokydolite)

Origin: South AfricaHardness: 7Colour: black/brown-yellow
Proberty and effect:Against eyestrain, migraine, exam anxiety, corneal inflammation, has a favorable effect on blood vessels, its warmth makes you feel secure.
January 20, 2015/by admin

Heliotrope (Bloodstone)

Heliotrope (Bloodstone)

Origin: IndiaHardness: 7Colour: green/brown
Proberty and effect:Against heart rhythm disorders or related problems, stimulates blood renewal, sudden deafness, tinnitus, balance disorders, it reduces the formation of pus, neutralizes and acts as an acidity regulator, supportive during leukemia.
January 21, 2015/by admin



Origin: BrazilHardness: 6Colour: metallic-black
Proberty and effect:Acts blood-cleaning, treats anemia, constant fatigue, iron intake, vasoconstriction, against vein pain, back pain, lack of oxygen, provides a balanced blood pressure, helpful against migraines, Hematite has a positive effect on legal matters.
January 21, 2015/by admin



Origin: MexicoHardness: 4-5Colour: sky blue
Proberty and effect:For restless legs, to heal wounds, burns, warts.
January 21, 2015/by admin

Herkimer Diamond

Herkimer Diamond

Origin USAHardness: 7Colour: white-transparent
Proberty and effect:Take it after water revitalization when you had a heart attack, cerebral haemorrhage, nerve problems, tumors, releases stress and tension, protects against radiation, supports the plan to quit smoking.
January 21, 2015/by admin



Origin: Madagascar, BrazilHardness: 6Colour: white to light green, translucent
Proberty and effect:Promotes empathy, helpful for nervous disorders, relieves joint pain, teaches surrender without self-denial.
January 21, 2015/by admin

Howlite (white)

Howlite (white)

Origin: USA (Mohave Desert)Hardness: 3,5Colour: white/by wearing black
Proberty and effect:Has a detoxifying effect, supports weight loss, against heartburn, strengthens hair and nails, diuretic, helpful for flirting, Howlite stimulates vomiting when you feel sick so that you can pass easier.
January 21, 2015/by admin

Imperial Topaz

Imperial Topaz

Origin: Norway, USAHardness:2Colour: golden brown
Proberty and effect:Regenerates taste, against anorexia, bronchitis, goiter, colds, ensures openness and honesty, helps during nervous tensions, it harmonizes, balances and strengthens the heart.
January 21, 2015/by admin

Iolite (Water Sapphire)

Iolite (Water Sapphire)

Origin: IndiaHardness: 8Colour: blue/gray
Proberty and effect:Prevents fluid retention and edema, activates glands, for intellectual work, helps to relax, prevents psychosomatic symptoms, kills bacteria.
January 21, 2015/by admin

Jade (Jadeite)

Jade (Jadeite)

Origin: Canada, BurmaHardness: 6,5Colour: green
Proberty and effect:Useful during diseases of the internal organs, against insomnia, increases fertility, supports courage, against jaundice, Jade is named the "kidney stone".
January 21, 2015/by admin

Jasper (Iolandit)

Jasper (Iolandit)

Origin: South AfricaHardness: 6,5Colour: red-brown
Proberty and effect:Helpful for nosebleeds, back pain, against nervousness, invigorating (only the Red Jasper), promotes fast thinking and encourages honesty, helpful for diviner.
January 21, 2015/by admin



Origin: Britain, FranceHardness: 3Colour: black
Proberty and effect:Against blistering in the mouth, stomach aches, colds, reduces tonsillitis and lymphadenopathy, stabilized the financial situation, carry it always in your wallet.
January 20, 2015/by admin



Origin: Brazil, USAHardness: 6Colour: pink/white
Proberty and effect:Against tennis elbow, back pain, sciatica, exam anxiety, helps to overcome drug abuse, strengthens the heart muscle, neutralizes the effect of anaesthesia and stimulates the immune system.
January 21, 2015/by admin